mardi 19 mai 2020

Chocolate cake and Oreo peanut butter

Chocolate cake and Oreo peanut butter

Chocolate cake and Oreo peanut butter

Chocolate cake and Oreo peanut butter

Chocolate Oreo Peanut Butter Cake, which is perfect for chocolate and peanut butter lovers, is together very easily and does not require you to turn on the oven!

The truth about cake baking in my life now:

(A) I really want to do this.

However, (b) there is no time for anything that actually requires running the oven, waiting for it to heat, waiting for the butter to soften, yada yada yada because at the time when I'm eating all of that, remy twenty minute nap (le sigh) is over and it's already fighting the next stage.

Try not baking bread.

Or an ice cake, which looks less exciting and amazing than it really is. And yes, I consider peanut butter frosting on layers of chocolate frosting, on layers of OREOS exciting. So there is.

This recipe is originally from the Blog of Life, Love and Sugar. Lindsay's creations always make me drool and her pictures more fair to how delicious you could ever have me, so definitely check it out especially if you want to see some sliced   cookie slides!

This perfect cake for lovers of chocolate and peanut butter, chocolate cake and peanut butter Oreo comes together very easily and does not require you to operate the oven!

Yield: 16 slices


For peanut butter and chocolate mousse
Cream cheese 12 ounces, room temperature
¾ cup of sugar
2 tablespoons of milk
2½ cup of heavy heavy whipping cream
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1¼ cup of powdered sugar
½ cup peanut butter
2 tablespoons of unsweetened natural cocoa powder
For cookie layers
1 cup of milk
Two boxes of Orius
For chocolate whipped cream
½ cup cold heavy whipping cream
2 tablespoons of powdered sugar
2 tablespoons of unsweetened natural cocoa powder
Chopped small head


  1. Cover a 9-inch Springform frying pan with parchment paper. Sit aside.
  2. For mousse, whisk together the cheese and sugar in the blender bowl until smooth. Add the milk again, mix until smooth. Add the cream cheese mixture to a separate bowl.
  3. In a mixer bowl, whisk heavy cream, vanilla extract and powdered sugar until severe peaks are formed. Fold the cream mixture of whipped cream into the creamy cheese mixture to lighten it, then fold it with the rest.
  4. Divide the whipped cream / cheese mixture into two bowls with ⅔ in one bowl and in in another bowl. Gently mix the peanut butter in the bowl with the bulk of the cream. Mix the cocoa powder in the bowl with the small portion of the cream. Set them both aside.
  5. Pour a cup of milk into alittle shallow bowl.. Put one layer of raw on the prepared baking tray, and dip it into the milk in advance. Put half the spread cream mixture, wipe the highest and confirm it reaches the sides of the tray. Cover with a second layer of raw milk covered. Place on top of all the chocolate with the chocolate mousse to ensure it reaches the edges of the tray. Add a final layer of milk-dipped beans and top with the rest of the peanut butter. Put it in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or overnight.
  6. Remove the ice cake from the pan.
  7. To prepare the whipped cream, in a stand mixer bowl with a whisk, mix the heavy cream, powdered sugar and cocoa powder until heavy peaks are formed. Use this to decorate the top of the cake as desired. Sprinkle chopped Reese on top

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